September 2011 Newsletter

The August meeting was a club day of chatting (without being told to shut up!) and three in house demos going on.
Fred Taylor had an audience while showing his methods of pen turning.
Bernard Slingsby was turning off centre bodies for his latest range of clocks he makes and
Paul Hunt was proving that the bigger the tool the more you can hack into a large lump of wood.

In the afternoon we had a speed turning competition where the object of the exercise was to produce a dibber in six minutes or less as close to the sample provided.
The Joint winners were Pat Hughes and Paul Hunt.

Earlier in the year Keith Leonard brought in a couple of spinning wheels he had made to show us. To add another dimension to today he brought them back and his wife Carole came along and showed us how they are used. In the gallery she is shown relaxing with Sheila over a cup of tea while Steve’s daughter Tanya has a go at carding some fleece and Mike fisher has a go at spinning under Keith’s guidance.

Our September meeting is on Saturday 10th September and we have got Garry Rance coming to us for the day. His turning covers the whole spectrum of the sort of thing we all attempt. He has just brought out a DVD so don’t be surprised if he just happens to have a couple with him for sale!!

We will be taking a stand again at the SAW open day on Sunday 30th October so we need a selection of really good turnings to show. Please give this some careful thought and let Bert or Matthew know if you have a piece of work you think we should display. We would need to have them by the October meeting unless you intend going to the show yourself. In this case you would need to be there by 9.00 am latest to be sure your masterpiece is properly displayed!! And to help set the tables up.

The October meeting is on Saturday 8th October.

Your newsletter for that month, and therefore your reminder will be a little late coming to you because I will be away from the day after the Sept meeting until the end of September.
